Portfolio- ENG 095/111 Cluster
If you do not turn in your portfolio, you cannot pass this class. The portfolio is due IN CLASS on the last day of class at the beginning of class. You may turn it in early if you wish, but you should be sure that everything is done before you do. I would suggest spending as much time on it as possible. You should come to class ready to turn it in on the last day of class. Do not plan on organizing your portfolio in class because you will be presenting your final projects that day. Portfolios will be considered late after the start of class time. You will lose 10 points per day for late portfolios. All late portfolios must be submitted to my office, B350H.
The portfolio is worth 65% of your grade (half process, half product). It consists of the following:
Paper 1—3 rough drafts, 1 final draft
Paper 2—3 rough drafts, 1 final draft
Paper 3—3 rough drafts, 1 final draft
Reflection Essay
Your portfolio should be in a two pocket folder (No Binders!). On the left side, please place the following:
-Paper One- The Literary Analysis Essay (700-1000)
-draft one- with comments from your peers
-draft two- with comments from me
-draft three- comments from your peers
-Paper Two- The Exploratory/Research Essay (700-1000)
-draft one- with comments from your peers
-draft two- with comments from me
-draft three- with comments from your peers
-Paper Three- The Narrative Essay (700-1000)
-draft one- with comments from your peers
-draft two- comments from me
-draft three-comments from your peers
Please paper clip all drafts of each paper together. For example, drafts one, two, and three of paper one should be paper clipped; then drafts one, two, and three of paper two should be paper clipped, etc. so that you end up with three bundles—one for each paper. Furthermore, all pages of each draft must be stapled together.
You will lose points if this is not done correctly.
On the right side, please place the following (this ordering works from top to bottom):
- The reflection essay
- The final draft of essay 1
- The final drafts of essay 2
- The final draft of essay 3
Final Drafts and Reflection Essay must be as follows:
- MLA format-double space with your name, my name, class time, and date in the left hand corner and your last name and the page number in the upper right hand corner. Also, Times New Roman size 12 (no exceptions) 1” margins, title centered
- Parenthetical citations in MLA format
- Works Cited Page in MLA format (all essays except for the reflection essay)
-You will lose significant points if these directions are not followed properly