
Welcome to English 1301

This course provides an intensive study and practice of written communication with an emphasis on the role of  writing processes.  It includes an exploration of  effective rhetorical choices, including audience, purpose, arrangement, and style as well as an introduction to various genres.  

When you have successfully completed this course, you be able to write college-level academic, organized  essays using Edited American English.  The content of your writing will be grounded in your use of critical reading and thinking skills. By the end of the semester you will produce multiple written works that fit the requirements expected throughout all academic disciplines.  In order to get to this point, you will need to learn each component of college composition individually through a series of skill-building lessons. Since each component builds upon the previous one, it is extremely important for you to stay focused throughout the semester.

The following table identifies the four course modules, the learning outcomes, and the assessment measure.


Module 1

Context, Audience, & Purpose



SLO A: Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.
SLO C: Write in a style appropriate to audience & purpose.
SLO E: Use Edited American English in academic essays.

Narrative Essay


Module 2




SLO A: Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.
SLO B: Develop ideas with appropriate support & attribution.
SLO E: Use Edited American English in academic essays.




Module 3




SLO A: Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.
SLO B: Develop ideas with appropriate support & attribution.
SLO D: Read, React, & Respond Critically to a variety of texts
SLO E: Use Edited American English in academic essays.

Reading Response Essay


Module 4




SLO A: Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.
SLO B: Develop ideas with appropriate support & attribution.
SLO C: Write in a style appropriate to audience & purpose.
SLO D: Read, React, & Respond Critically to a variety of texts
SLO E: Use Edited American English in academic essays.
 Letter to the Editor