Identify and Practice Habits for Success
A college education is aligned with greater success in many areas of life. While enrolled in college, most students are closely focused on making it through the next class or passing the next test. It can be easy to lose sight of the overall role that education plays in life. But sometimes it helps to recall what a truly great step forward you are taking!

It’s also important to recognize, though, that some students do not succeed; they drop out within the first year. Sometimes this is due to financial problems or a personal or family crisis. But too frequently, students drop out because they’re having trouble passing their courses.
In this section, we examine the elements of college success. Are there patterns of success you strive for but aren’t yet reaching? Where might you shore up your support? What strategies can you use to achieve success in your college endeavors?
What You Will Learn to Do
- develop a personal definition of success
- identify specific strategies to achieve success
- identify support network options
The Learning Activities for This Outcome Include
- Text: A Personal Definition of Success
- Text: Strategies to Achieve Success
- Text: Campus Support Networks
- Self Check: Habits for Success
- Try It: Habits for Success