Apply Word Processing Skills to College Writing Tasks
Popular culture holds a romantic image of writers as solitary figures, scribbling with pen and paper in attics by candlelight.
Realistically speaking, though, most writing we do these days is electronic. While there is great joy in putting pencil to paper, keyboarding and word processing are survival skills in college. Your professors will expect much of the work you do for classes to be typed, and either printed or submitted electronically. Additionally, most employers will expect and require you to be comfortable with using Microsoft Word and similar programs.

This section is designed to hold a little something for everyone. The video series walks viewers through features of Microsoft Word. Start at the level that seems the best fit for you. Even if you’re a seasoned word processor, you’ll encounter some tips that will save you time and effort in formatting documents for college.
What You Will Learn to Do
- demonstrate proficiency with basic word processor features
- demonstrate proficiency with intermediate word processor features
- demonstrate proficiency with advanced word processor features
The Learning Activities for this Outcome Include
- Video: Beginning Word Processing Skills
- Video: Intermediate Word Processing Skills
- Video: Advanced Word Processing Skills
- Self Check: Computer-Based Writing
- Try It: Computer-Based Writing