I. Doing well on paper
A. Did prewriting immediately after getting the assignment.
- Brainstorm
2. Outline
B. Wrote rough draft in stages
- Scheduled time to write a little a day
2. Kept me from waiting until the last minute
C. Multiple types of proofreading
- Friends read paper
2. I followed my teacher’s checklist.
D. Conclusion Sentence
Student Name
EN 0114 AB
Dr. Lancaster
1 September 2017
Writing the Right Way
I finally made an A on my English paper, and I know I did well because I followed the writing process and did all the steps before the deadline. As soon as I got the assignment, I did my prewriting. I wrote a bubble map to help me come up with ideas. Using the bubble map, I wrote a detailed outline to give myself a clear plan to follow. After I was done prewriting, I wasted no time writing my rough draft. Because I started so early, I could write my paper in stages, instead of writing it all at one time. In fact, I scheduled one hour a day to write so I could focus easily. When I finished my rough draft, I had time to employ multiple types of proofreading. I had two friends read my paper and make suggestions. After I corrected errors my friends found, I used my teacher’s revision checklist to make my paper the best it could be. As a result of all this advance planning, my teacher said I wrote a well-developed and thoughtful essay.