Sources for Reading Material
We know that one of the biggest challenges in putting together an OER Composition course is to find good models of writing for our students to read and discuss in class.
Here is an annotated list of where you can find a wide range of primary source material. Some material in this list is OER with Creative Commons license. Some is Public Domain, which means it’s open to edit and use in any way you’d like. And much of it is free but copyrighted, which means that you can provide your students a link to the material in this course, but you can’t copy the material directly into your textbook.
(An example of how to handle a link to an external, copyrighted source can be found on the “Shooting an Elephant” article page of this textbook.)
Gallery of Web-Based Texts
Title: The Ad Council
Brief description: Includes an archive of more than sixty-five years of public service advertising campaigns in print, radio, and television media.
Possible uses: Analyses of rhetorical technique in advertising; studies requiring historical context; comparisons of commercial and public-service marketing.
Title: American Experience
URL: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience
Brief description: Full-length documentaries produced by the Public Broadcasting System (PBS), many available for viewing online, with additional resources provided at each film’s website.
Possible uses: Studies requiring historical context, comparisons of documentary and popular filmmaking, and comparisons of education and entertainment.
Title: Arts and Letters Daily
Brief description: A clearinghouse of web-based content (from magazines, newspapers, and blogs) on culture and current affairs sponsored by the Chronicle of Higher Education, updated daily, and archived from 1998 to the present.
Possible uses: Essays on contemporary topics; studies of the style and ideological cast of a particular commentator or columnist; generating ideas for possible topics for further research.
Title: The Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History, and Diplomacy
URL: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/subject_menus/major.asp
Brief description: Yale University Law School’s collection of documents, including among many other items “Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents.”
Possible uses: Cross-disciplinary writing projects in history, religion, and political science; analyses of rhetorical and argumentative strategies.
Title: C-SPAN Video Library
Brief description: An archive of more than 160,000 hours of digitized video programming on C-SPAN since 1987, including thousands of political debates and campaign ads; also applicable for the education category (see library for hundreds of commencement addresses).
Possible uses: Analyses of political advertising and comparisons with other kinds of commercials; analytical summaries of ideological positions along the American political spectrum from 1987 to the present; analyses of argumentative technique in political debates.
Title: From Revolution to Reconstruction…and What Happened Afterwards
URL: http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/
Brief description: A collection of documents from American history from the colonial period to the present, sponsored by the United States Information Agency (USIA).
Possible uses: Analyses of rhetorical and argumentative strategies of documents in American history and government.
Title: Gallup
URL: http://www.gallup.com/home.aspx
Brief description: More than seventy-five years of polling data on myriad subjects, with constant updates from contemporary polls.
Possible uses: Analyses of American political and social trends from the 1930s to the present; comparisons with contemporaneous, parallel polls from other organizations; political science studies of polling methodology.
Title: Google Books
Brief description: Includes not only in-copyright/in-print and in-copyright/out-of-print books for purchase but also out-of-copyright books as free downloads.
Possible uses: Access to free, out-of-print, out-of-copyright, older, book-length content for historical, sociological studies.
Title: The Internet Archive
Brief description: Created by The Internet Archive, a nonprofit organization founded in 1996 that is committed to preserving digitized materials, this collection includes not only websites in their original forms but also audio and video collections.
Possible uses: Historical analyses of websites since their inception; popular cultural analyses of film, television, radio, music, and advertising.
Title: The Living Room Candidate
URL: http://www.livingroomcandidate.org
Brief description: A collection of hundreds of television advertisements of presidential campaigns from 1952 to the present, sponsored and operated by the Museum of the Moving Image.
Possible uses: Analyses of the rhetoric of political television advertising across time (from 1952 to the present); comparisons between television and print advertising in politics; summaries of political party positions and ideologies.
Title: MIT Open Courseware
URL: http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm
Brief description: One of the best collections of university lectures on the web, along with Yale’s (see Open Yale Courses).
Possible uses: Completely free access to complete lecture-based courses from some of the best professors on earth in almost every conceivable university subject.
Title: The National Archives Experience: Docs Teach
URL: http://docsteach.org
Brief description: Classroom activities, reading and writing assignments accompanied by document collections from the National Archives, each concentrating on a specific historical era.
Possible uses: Ready-made reading and writing assignment sequences of primary documents from American history; cross-disciplinary writing projects in history, religion, political science, and cultural geography.
Title: The Online Books Page
URL: http://digital.library.upenn.edu/books
Brief description: A collection of more than forty thousand free books, as well as an extensive e-archive of e-archives (see Archives and Indexes/General), edited by John Mark Ockerbloom at the University of Pennsylvania since 1993.
Possible uses: Access to free, out-of-print, out-of-copyright, older, book-length content for historical, sociological studies; cross-disciplinary writing projects in history, religion, political science, and cultural geography.
Title: Open Yale Courses
URL: http://oyc.yale.edu
Brief description: One of the best collections of university lectures on the web, along with MIT’s (see MIT Open Courseware).
Possible uses: Completely free access to complete lecture-based courses from some of the best professors on earth in almost every conceivable subject.
Title: Project Gutenberg
URL: http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page
Brief description: The most established collection of more than thirty-three thousand book-length works originally published in paper form, digitized and downloadable in a variety of formats, and free of American copyright.
Possible uses: Analyses of older, book-length literary texts; studies of specific historical and cultural phenomena.
Title: The Poetry Foundation
URL: http://www.poetryfoundation.org
Brief description: Thousands of poems and poetry-related material collected into a searchable archive, managed and operated by the Poetry Foundation.
Possible uses: Analyses of poems and poetic language; studies of specific themes as expressed through the humanities.
Title: The Smithsonian Institution Research Information System (SIRIS): Collections Search Center
URL: http://collections.si.edu/search
Brief description: A vast collection of more than 4.6 million books, manuscripts, periodicals, and other materials from the various museums, archives, and libraries of the Smithsonian Institution.
Possible uses: Historical and rhetorical analyses of texts and resources in a variety of disciplines in the arts and sciences.
Title: This I Believe
Brief description: A regular feature of National Public Radio (NPR) since 2006, a series of personal essays read aloud on a variety of topics, archived together with 1950s-era essays from a program of the same name hosted by Edward R. Murrow.
Possible uses: Comparisons of social issues across two historical periods (e.g., 2006 to the present vs. the 1950s); comparisons between the personal essay and other genres of exposition and exploration; comparisons between oral and written texts.
Title: The US Census Bureau
Brief description: A trove of demographic statistics and surveys with a variety of themes from the most recent census and those conducted previously.
Possible uses: Summaries, reports, and causal analyses of demographic trends in American society; evaluations of the uses of statistics as evidence; social science studies of polling methodology.