Multimodal Unit Reflection Assignments


Reflective writing is a major portion of the course, and also your Multimodal Unit. You will be asked to think and write reflectively after readings, exercises, and major composing assignments. This reflective process is designed to help you understand and put into context your learning throughout this semester.

Categories of Reflection

Daily Writes

Short 250-300 word reflections over a short assignment or reading. These daily writes are designed to help you see what you are learning and put it into practice.

Weekly Reflections

300- 500 word reflections over several assignments/ readings, allowing you to connect your learning to course content and other writer outside of class that forms your identity as a writer.

Unit Reflections

500 word reflections submitted before or directly after a major essay due date. These unit reflections are paired with each major project completed in the course. Unit reflections give you the chance to explore your writing process, successes, or struggles you experienced writing your essay.

daily Write: Thinking About new modes

Instructions: Log in to your blog at Click on your dashboard, then go to “Posts” and select “Add new” Write for five to ten minutes. When done, categorize this as a “Daily Write” and click publish.

Questions to start reflection:

  • After reviewing several student and professional examples of multimodal presentations, what concerns do you have about using different modes to recompose one of your previous papers? Why?
  • What level of depth do you think you can show your audience with your multimodal presentation that you weren’t able to explore just using text?
  • How difficult is it to manage your time at this stage in the semester? What planning will you need to do in order to complete the amount of hours needed for the presentation?

Daily Write: Multimodal Challenges

Instructions: Log in to your blog at Click on your dashboard, then go to “Posts” and select “Add new” Write for five to ten minutes. When done, categorize this as a “Daily Write” and click publish.

Questions to start reflection:

  • What were some specific challenges you faced completing your multimodal proposal? How much time did it take you to not only develop your script, speech, and slides, but also to learn the technology?
  • What did the multimodal proposal teach you about yourself as a composer of different modes? Are you more/less comfortable working with audio/visual media than just text?
  • Where do you think this multimodal skill might be most useful outside of our classroom? It could be in another class, apply for funding, your career, etc.

Unit Reflection: Multimodal

Instructions: Open your Commonplace book at From the dashboard, click on “New Post.” Write a Unit Reflection post over the Multimodal project. Respond to the questions on this sheet that resonate with you, but feel free to move beyond these questions if there are other areas you’d like to talk about. Categorize the post as a unit reflection, then publish the post. The post should be a minimum of 500 words.

The following are some questions you might consider addressing in your unit reflection. You do not have to answer all of these questions, and may want to move beyond these questions in different areas.

Questions to start reflection:

  • What did working with different modes teach you about yourself as a composer?
  • What did you learn about yourself as you navigated the complexities and difficulties presented by new technology?
  • Does this project’s composing process compare to a previous writing process for any one of your papers? Why or why not?
  • How difficult was it to record your own voice?
  • What do you expect your audience to take away from the presentation? How do you think your audience will react?

Weekly Reflection: WRiting skills lab Multimodal module


Open your Commonplace book at From the dashboard, click on “New Post.” Write a Weekly Reflection post over the assigned Writing Skills Multimodal Module. Respond to the questions below that resonate with you, but feel free to move beyond these questions if there are other areas you’d like to talk about. Categorize the post as a Weekly reflection, then publish the post. The post should be a minimum of 300 words.

Questions to start reflection:

  • Identify one area of the module that was helpful to your learning process. Why did you select this area in the module? How was it helpful to your learning?
  • How many modes of communication are identified withing the module?
  • Why is it important to include more than one mode of communication in a presentation?
  • What modes are you comfortable working with? Explain. 
  • What modes are you not comfortable working with? Explain.