Multimodal Proposal Exercise




In order to prepare for changing the mode of one of your previous essays each student will first write, then speak a rough draft of their proposal to their peers. Use the following criteria. The purpose of this exercise is to allow students to explore using a combination of new modes and understand the challenges they will face changing the mode of one of their previous essays from text to a combination of audio, visual, and data.

Step One:

Begin by writing answers to these questions.

  • What paper are you going to change?
  • What new mode(s) will you be using?
  • What is the overall purpose (thesis) of the paper you are changing?
  • What technology will you use?
  • How do you plan to structure your presentation to meet the time limit?
  • What are some challenges you expect to face?

Step Two:

Present your proposal to your group as a speech. Take a moment or two to compose yourself, taking time to think about how you will speak, and also be aware of how your group will be evaluating your speech. When you are ready, use your written response in Step One as a rough script.

Evaluation Criteria

Your group’s job is to evaluate how well you change the mode of your written response into a brief oral speech. Each speaker will have between 60- 90 seconds to compose their response. The group will select one person to time your speech, while the rest of the group evaluates the speaker’s response.

  • Does the speaker effectively convey all points in their proposal clearly? If not, what helpful criticism can you give them to better get their points across?
  • Does the speaker make an effort to ensure their speech is audible (e.g. voice not too soft, too loud, etc.)? If not, what suggestions do you have for them to improve their delivery?
  • Does the speaker pace themselves to meet the required timeframe of 60 – 90 seconds without falling short or going over? If not, suggest ways the speaker can slow down/speed up their speech.
  • Does the speaker make an effort to engage the audience with the speech, avoiding a monotone, boring, or inappropriate response? If not, suggest ways the speaker can better establish their engagement with their audience.