Multimodal Proposal Assignment


In preparation for your upcoming multimodal presentation, each student will record a short screencast demonstrating how they have planned and prepared for their presentation. You have the choice of using PowToon, Screencastomatic, or Jing to record your screencast.


Your multimodal proposal should include a brief summary of the text and explain to your audience the purpose of your presentation. The proposal should then continue at length, discussing what specific software and techniques you have chosen, the challenges you anticipate, the types of visual and audio content you plan to include, etc.

Consider this screencast as a rough draft of your forthcoming presentation. You should make certain that your voice is audible, and that your pacing is appropriate to the timeframe. Feel free to include visuals if you find them helpful.


60-90 seconds.


Worth 10 points toward your Multimodal project.


Check the course calendar

Submission Instructions:

Once you have successfully created your screencast, you will then need to share it with the Blackboard Discussion Board. If you are using Powtoon or Jing, you can share your project directly to Blackboard. However, if you are using Screencastomatic, you will need to follow the Uploading to YouTube tutorial video. Remember, you must change your privacy settings to “unlisted;” otherwise, there is a possibility that YouTube will flag your content and remove your video.  After you have uploaded your video, copy and paste a valid working link to it under the “Submit Assignments” tab on Blackboard.