Guidelines for Submitting and Saving Assignments

Complete your assignments ahead of time so that if you encounter a tech problem, you’ll have time to seek help and get the work posted by the deadline.  Due to the structured nature of this class, late work is penalized.  If you become aware that you will be unable to meet a deadline, contact the instructor prior to the assignment due date. Accommodations can be arranged prior to the due date, never after the due date.

Written Assignments:

You must use a word processing program like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Open Office to submit written work to Blackboard as either a Word.doc or PDF. Blackboard does not recognize any other file type, so do not use .Pages.

1). The first step is to abide by the MLA rules for formatting: match your font, margins, Works Cited page, etc. to the rules described in the OWL @ Purdue MLA Formatting Sample Paper.

2). The second step is to title your files correctly.

  • Please title your files with your name and the name of the assignment.
  • To title your files within Microsoft Word, select to “Save as” from the top tab.
  • In the window that pops up, you’ll see a field called “save as,” and in this field you can change the file name to include your name and the type of assignment.

3). The third step is to be sure you are saving your work in the proper file type.

  • In that “Save as” pop-up window, you’ll also see a field titled “Format” or “File Type.”
  • Within that field is a drop-down tab.  Be sure that it is set to format your files as either .doc or .docx.  Doing so ensures that your instructor’s Microsoft Word program can open the file you post.  If you post a file that can’t be opened, your work will be considered late and won’t be accepted for credit.

4). The fourth step is to choose the destination for your saved file.  You can save it wherever you choose, but be sure that you remember the location so that you can access it later.  Some options for destinations are:

  • Desktop
  • My Documents
  • A folder that you have created for this class’s work


Use a Cloud Drive to Backup All Writing

Your Olemiss Web ID gives you access to three cloud drive storage spaces. You are free to pick which one fits your needs, but must use a cloud drive or thumb drive to back up and save your work in this online class.