Grade Contracts and Grading Rubrics

Grading Rubrics

You can access and download a short version of the Writing 102 Grading Rubric here.

You can access and download a longer version of the Writing 102 Grading Rubric here, which contains detailed descriptions of each category.

Grade Contracts

Our grading contracts are designed to help you focus on the writing process for each essay and will essentially serve as the rubric for the project. If you complete all elements below, you will receive a B on each essay project. To earn a higher grade, please read further.

  1. participate in class regularly;
  2. meet due dates and writing criteria for each essay assignment. Turning in a piece of writing that does not meet the requirements outlined in the directions will not satisfy this portion of the contract.
  3. participate in all exercises, mini-assignments, and activities, including submitting all reflective writing;
  4. complete all informal, low stakes video discussion assignments. This includes posting and replying to your classmates.
  5. give thoughtful peer feedback during peer review assignments and work faithfully with your partners on other collaborative tasks (e.g., sharing papers, commenting on drafts, peer editing, on-line discussion posts, answering peer questions);
  6. Produce the required number of drafts before submitting the final draft;
  7. make substantive revisions when the assignment is to revise—extending or changing the thinking or organization—not just editing or touching up;
  8. copy-edit all final drafts of main assignments until they conform to the conventions of edited work;
  9. Ask your teacher questions or utilize the writing center to discuss drafts and receive feedback;
  10. Read and reflect on all assigned resource material from our open textbook modules to reviewing student examples.

Thus you earn the grade of B in each essay unit entirely on the basis of what you do—on your conscientious effort and participation. The grade of B does not derive from my judgment about the quality of your writing. Grades higher than B, however, do rest on my judgment of writing quality. To earn higher grades you must produce writing in the final draft of each essay that I judge to be exceptionally high quality.