Annotation Roundup Exercise


What makes an effective annotation involves solid credible sources, strong word choice, and a clear rhetorical précis. In this exercise, you will examine the rhetorical précis of several annotations with the goal of modeling your own annotations using these guidelines.


 Below are five annotations. Rank them from “Most Effective” to “Least Effective” using the criteria below as a guide. Be certain to explain WHY you and your group are making these choices.

Rhetorical Précis Criteria

Each annotation should accomplish these four things:

  • WHAT is the source?
  • HOW does the author develop their claim?
  • WHY the author’s purpose matters?
  • WHO is the intended audience for the article?


Annotation #1

Goldin, Marlienne. “Celebrating New Life in a Neuro-Surgical ICU: Exemplar of Caritas Nursing.” International Journal for Human Caring 18.3 (2014): 65-66. University of Mississippi Libraries Catalog. Web. 3 Apr. 2016.

Marlienne Goldin writes an article depicting the positive role death can play in and individuals life. She references Frued’s theory by explaining that by being aware of your thoughts and actions when life throws you curve balls can actually help you control them. “My suffering gave me a greater appreciation of others’ suffering. It enabled me to connect to patients’ families in ways I never could”. She discusses how her friend that is a nurse untangled her unconscious motives after her husband had died and used it was a way to connect with her patients when they experienced the same sort of loss.


Annotation #2

Hoyt, Reed J. “Reader-Response And Implication-Realization.” Journal Of Aesthetics & Art Criticism 43.3 (1985): 281.Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 Apr. 2016.

Reed Hoyt examines reader-response and implication-realization models and uses them to argue the comparisons of analyzing literature and music, this correlates with Dickinson’s choice of musical structure that reinforces themes presented throughout “Because I Could Not Stop for Death.” Hoyt explores differences between musical and linguistic structure, comparisons between the processes in music versus processes in literature, and how the two correlate as a whole. The author establishes comparisons of literature and music in order to better explain why writers use musical structure to better the understanding and effectiveness of their works. Hoyt establishes a relationship with composers, writers, and those who are interested in the correlation of both.



Annotation #3

Bower, Bruce. “Over The EDGE.” Science News 189.1 (2016): 22. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.

“Between 1986 and 2000, U.S. suicide rates dropped from 12.5 to 10.4 deaths for every 100,000 people. But since then, the suicide rate has climbed steadily, reaching 12.6 deaths per 100,000 people, or more than 41,000 deaths, in 2013. That continuous rise — and the lack of effective counter measures — has prompted researchers to revisit the suicide theories found in textbooks” (Bower “Over the Edge”). Statistics state that the suicide rate for our country is on a steady rise, which is causing a lot of past researchers to resurface and begin working on new theories to help produce a new version of theories that could give more background to what is actually going on in the lives of those who are attempting or committing suicide. “But evidence suggests there’s more to it: Most people who contemplate suicide never actually try to kill themselves. A 2008 study estimated that for every person who attempts suicide, about three others have considered suicide but never acted on those thoughts” (Bower). This proves that not everyone who is are experiencing these suicidal thoughts are going through with them or attempting and completing the act of suicide. “As early as 1999, a national survey of psychiatric disorders led by psychiatric epidemiologist Ronald Kessler of Harvard Medical School found an excess of self-reported suicidal thoughts — but not of documented suicide attempts — among people with depression or several other mental conditions” (Bower). This is yet another excerpt that shows that most people will, at least once, in their lifetime contemplate, or have thoughts, about committing suicide without actually acting on the thoughts. It also uses information pulled from real life people, not just a select group of people with a known background of mental issues or depression.


Annotation #4

Hughes, Glenn. “Love, Terror, And Transcendence In Emily Dickinson’s Poetry.” Renascence 66.4 (2014): 283-304.Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 Apr. 2016.

Glenn Hughes’ essay “Love, Terror, And Transcendence In Emily Dickinson’s Poetry” argues that the profound appreciation of transcendence by poet Emily Dickinson guides her life lifelong spiritual journey. Hughes explores the experiences of mental pain and torture in her poems, the spiritual explorations detailed in her poetry display a struggle and strong distaste to many principles of the Christian religion, and her religious life and personality which is expressed in her poetry. The author establishes a religious tie to Emily Dickinson’s writings in order to better clarify the how reader response can be swayed by the use of religious imagery. Hughes establishes a relationship with devoted readers of Emily Dickinson’s work and those who seek to better understand the depth of her religious involvement.


Annotation #5

Razinsky, Liran. “How to Look Death in the Eyes: Freud and Bataille.” How to Look Death in the Eyes: Freud and Bataille. Substance: A Review Of Theory and Literary Criticism, n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2016.

Liran Razinsky, author of “How to Look Death in the Eyes: Freud and Bataille” explain every persons unconscious thoughts regarding death. Every person at some point imagines their own death, but can fully do so because of the inability to ultimately predict their destiny. Next, every person then imagines someone else’s death, “When it comes to someone else’s death, the civilized man will carefully avoid speaking of such a possibility in the hearing of the person under sentence” (Freud, “Thoughts 291). We try to avoid death in any way, in behavior and in thought” (Razinsky 65). Because of such avoidances, we find ourselves acting with extreme motives when these times occur in reality.