Analysis Unit Proposal Reflection


Log in to your blog at Click on your dashboard, then go to “Posts” and select “Add new”  Try to write at least 300 words. When done, categorize this as a “Weekly Reflection” and click publish.

Questions to start reflection:

  • What type of genre did you select from our Writ 102 Textbook list of approved resources for your Genre Analysis? Why did you select this genre over other options?
  • Did you struggle to find areas to analyze in your selected source from your genre? Why or why not?
  • What was the most challenging part of coming up with a thesis for your proposal?
  • What are you most confident with in your proposal? Explain.
  • What are you least confident with in your proposal? Explain.
  • Create a digital info graphic to show a visual reflection of your Analysis proposal. Think about this as making an informative poster out of the process you have proposed. Sign up for a free account with the graphic design software canva. Then, begin making a visual poster to represent your Analysis proposal using as little text as possible.
  • Example: Link to simple Multimodal Poster 


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