Assignment: City Spaces: Public Spaces

Untimed writing assignment, 2 drafts, final draft 3 pages typed with MLA 8th ed. works cited page including at least 2 research sources in addition to class resources.

Choose one place that you believe is under-used in a neighborhood you live in, view, or pass through and propose a plan to redesign the place so that it better serves the people who live, work, and stop there. Describe the current state of the place, and explain why you believe that it is under-used; if possible include pictures. Explain your vision and goal for redesigning the place, how you anticipate people will use the redesigned place, and the benefits you expect it will bring to the surrounding community. Document your proposal with research showing successes with similarly redesigned places in other comparable areas, and if possible include pictures; evidence that the community needs and will use the place you propose; and proof that the elements of your redesign will benefit the community.


“Assignment: City Spaces: Public Spaces” by Christine Hutchins, Hostos Community College is licensed under CC BY 4.0