Assignment: Making Connections with Us and Them

After reviewing the Making Connections page, actively read David Sedaris’s Us and Them, practice annotating the text, and practice making connections with the text.


  1. Review the grading rubric as listed on this page.
  2. Review Making Connections.
  3. Print and annotate David Sedaris’s Us and Them.
  4. Open a new Google Doc, title it with your First Name, Last Name, and Making Connections with Us and Them.
  5. Set the Google Doc share permissions to “Anyone with the link.”
  6. Copy and paste the sentence stems below into your Google Doc.
  7. Practice making connections with Us and Them by completing the sentence stems in your Google Doc.
  8. Submit the URL of your Google Doc to your instructor.


Points: 30

Submitting: a website URL

Argument Final  KEEP
Criteria Ratings Points
Text-to-Self connections Proficient
10 pts
6 pts
No connections
0 pts
10 pts
Text-to-Text connections Proficient
10 pts
6 pts
No connections
0 pts
10 pts
Text-to-World connections Proficient
10 pts
6 pts
No connections
0 pts
10 pts
Analyze a text for text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections Exceeds expectations
0 pts
Meets expectations
0 pts
Does not meet expectations
0 pts
0 pts
TOTAL POINTS    30 pts