Assignment: Improving Writing with Literacy Narrative

For this assignment, improve your Literacy Narrative using feedback from the instructor.


  1. Review the grading rubric as listed on this page.
  2. Review Grades for feedback on your Literacy Narrative. The feedback will highlight topics for you to develop in your writing.
  3. Create a report in a Google Doc detailing the following:
    • The area(s) at issue to develop in your writing (as noted in the Literacy Narrative feedback).
    • Conduct Internet research for this issue (at least 3 sources and copy and paste the URLs into your Google Doc)
    • Summarize your research into a 100 word paragraph.
    • Copy and paste your original Literacy Narrative into your Google Doc below the summary you completed.
    • Revise your Literacy Narrative in the Google Doc using the knowledge you gained from writing the report.
  4. Set the share settings of the Google Doc to “Anyone with the link.”
  5. Submit the URL of your Google Doc to your instructor.


Points: 50

Submitting: a website URL

Improving Writing with Literacy Narrative KEEP
Criteria Ratings Points
Evidence student has reviewed feedback in grades Full marks
10 pts
No marks
0 pts
10 pts
Student selected an issue to improve in their Literacy Narrative Full marks
10 pts
No marks
0 pts
10 pts
Summary of research regarding the issue is included (with URL references) Full marks
10 pts
No marks
0 pts
10 pts
Original Literacy Narrative is pasted below summary of research Full marks
10 pts
No marks
0 pts
10 pts
Student revises Literacy Narrative with respect to the issue as identified Full marks
10 pts
No marks
0 pts
10 pts
Apply strategies for improving writing responses Exceeds expectations
0 pts
Meets expectations
0 pts
Does not meet expectations
0 pts
0 pts