This section of the portfolio includes a short reflection as well as a final revision of your work (hence the Best Work title!) as evidence of your most polished pieces created in class.
Reading Response
- Revisit Reading Response Student Choice
- Revise, aiming for perfection.
- Write a 25 word reflection on the following:
- What revision(s) did you make?
- What did you learn?
- How will what you learned assist you in the future?
Critical Reading
- Revisit Critical Reading of an Essay
- Revise, aiming for perfection.
- Write a 25 word reflection on the following:
- What revision(s) did you make?
- What did you learn?
- How will what you learned assist you in the future?
Rhetorical Analysis
- Revisit Rhetorical Analysis with an Ad
- Revise, aiming for perfection.
- Write a 25 word reflection on the following:
- What revision(s) did you make?
- What did you learn?
- How will what you learned assist you in the future?