Outcome: Writing Ethically

Identify Issues of Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty

Building on the ideas of others is a key component of academic writing.  It’s expected that you will consult what others have done, and use their thinking to inform your own.

Giving credit to those sources as you go is the expectation.  It is expected that you will use sources ethically–note whose words and ideas you are using, exactly where you use them.

This is an idea many writers at all levels struggle with, as this video demonstrates.

Using sources ethically takes practice, which is what we will do in the coming pages.

What You Will Learn to Do

  • identify the definition of academic dishonesty
  • identify the definition of intentional and unintentional plagiarism
  • identify reasons for concerns about plagiarism and academic dishonesty in academic settings
  • identify strategies to avoid intentional and unintentional plagiarism and academic dishonesty

The Learning Activities for This Outcome Include

  • Text: Academic Dishonesty
  • Text: Defining Plagiarism
  • Text: Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Self-Check: Writing Ethically
  • Try It: Writing Ethically