Text: Using Context Clues

Stuck on a Word? Get Clues … Context Clues!

Graphic. Measuring cup labeled Content pours a drop of water into a funnel labeled Where, connected to a gearbox labeled When, connected to a pump labeled Device, connected to four droppers releasing blue, green, red, and purple drops over the word Context. Sometimes we misunderstand a sentence because it contains a key word that we don’t know. When that happens, we can try using the context clues, or words around the unfamiliar word, to help us figure out the meaning. How do we do that? Read the boxes below slowly.
For busy adults, learning new words may seem daunting, or discouraging. However, many people find that learning the meaning of new words and expanding what they know are enlightening experiences that make them more aware of the world’s ideas.

Do you know what the words daunting and enlightening mean? If not, how could you figure them out? Try looking at the context clues — the surrounding words or phrases that give hints about the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Check the explanation below.

For busy adults, learning new words may seem daunting, or discouraging. However, many people find that learning the meaning of new words and expanding what they know are enlightening experiences that make them more aware of the world’s ideas.

In the first sentence, the phrase “or discouraging” comes right after daunting to explain its meaning. Another word for daunting is discouraging.

How do you figure out what enlightening means? The context clues “expanding what they know” and “more aware of the world’s ideas” can help you. Based on those surrounding phrases, enlightening must mean adding new knowledge to your life.