Write a profile of someone who works in your field of study. That means a nurse if you’re studying nursing, a teacher if you’re studying education, and so on. Your profile should be focused on the person’s career – don’t try to write a whole biography in just five pages. Tell the story of how this person got started in this career, what hardships they have overcome, and what they have achieved.
Your main source for this paper must be an interview, which may be conducted in person, or on the phone, through email, or through any other method of communication. The interview is an essential part of this paper. Do not attempt to write your draft without thoroughly interviewing your subject! Use the interview questions that we brainstormed in class, and ask additional questions as needed. If you wish to include additional sources, you may. All sources must be cited in APA style.
For your draft, you need to turn in at least three pages of your paper along with a transcript of your interview questions and responses. Your interview notes should be at least two pages in length. This is your first draft. Your paper does not need to be perfect, but it does need to be your best work. You need to have your five pages written and formatted correctly. Use standard formatting: double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, 1 inch margins.
For your revision, your paper needs to be five pages in length. Go back to your source and ask follow up questions if necessary.